Red Alert 3 how to add a map [Updated 2023]

Red Alert 3 how to add map

How to add maps to your Red Alert 3

You’ve successfully downloaded a map! Great! Now How to add a map to your Red Alert 3 installation and what to do with it to make it work.

First you, obviously, need to download a RA3 custom map. Maps on this website are compressed with WinRar so you’ll need to extract them after download. Any extractor tool should do the trick. Once you’ve extracted the map you need to copy the whole map folder to your RA3. The location however depends on your operating system.

WIN10/8/7C:\ Users \ [UserName] \ AppData \ Roaming \ Red Alert 3 \ Maps

WINXPC:\ Documents and Settings \ [USER_NAME] \ Application Data \ Red Alert 3 \ Maps \

For example the path for a map named  “Tower defense v5.2” should look something like this:

C:\ Users\ [UserName] \ AppData \ Roaming \ Red Alert 3 \ Maps\ Tower defense v5.2 \* map files *
C:\ Documents and Settings \ [USER_NAME] \ Application Data \Red Alert 3 \ Maps \ Tower defense v5.2 \* map files *

Now  you know how to add maps to RA3! Get some here! Good luck commander!